Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Welcome! We created a space where family and friends could keep up with us.

Mitch: Mitch is in his 2nd year of his surgical residency (PGY2-post graduate year 2). He's busier than last year and has much more responsility in patient care and surgeries! He's got 5 more years left and then he'll be looking for a fellowship to further specialize. He's begun training for the Pittsburgh half marathon.

Megan: Megan is in her first year of teaching at Propel Pitcairn. She teaches 3rd grade reading and social studies. The kids keep her very busy. She recently started volunteering at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh on Saturdays and loves it.

Maximus & Olivia: Both boxers are 4 year olds. Olivia has enjoyed her first year with us as a rescue and Maximus has been very sweet to her and loves having a buddy.

More to come!